Sporadic Etymology
History and Etymology for sporadic. Perhaps the people-name is akin to Greek skythoi Scythians compare Akkadian ishkuzai altered by folk etymology.
Sources Wiktionary Online Etymology Dictionary Etymology Language Vocabulary Root Words
As a sporadic fireball.

Sporadic etymology. Corelli Gods Good Man xxi I shall invite Roxmouth and his tame pussy Mr. A sporadic case of disease. Not regularly or constantly gunfire being heard sporadically software updates that appear sporadically Originally from the western Pacific Ocean the.
These doublets are sometimes confused in my field so I dug into their relationship. A sporadic association of the saints name with rocks has been observed as in the Lia Ailbe stone of Ailbe on the Magh Ailbe plain of Ailbe in. A folk etymology is suggested in the Vita Albei as a derivative of ail a rock and beo living.
Sporás scattered dispersed from. Akin to Greek speirein to sow more at sperm. In modern geographical parlance there are five different Sporades groups.
About ask me anything Random. In later use chiefly a weakling a coward a sissy. Etymological fun facts in infographic form.
Sporadic 意味 定義 sporadic は何か. An archipelago in the Aegean Sea. From Medieval Latin sporadicus from Greek.
In a sporadic manner. Weve been using eggcorn as a term for the kind of sporadic folk etymology represented by interpreting acorn as egg corn Smith doubted that Perchta descended from a pagan goddess but thought that she was the personification of Epiphany Perchtas Day derived through folk etymology. It seems to have originated in the 18th.
Sporadic in American English. Medieval Latin sporadicus from Greek sporadikos from sporadēn here and there from sporad- sporas scattered. Occurring at irregular points in time.
Sporadic meaning in Etymology Dictionary. Please add to it or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium Proper noun. Having no pattern or order.
The earliest usage is thought to be that of English mathematician William Burnside in 1911 W. From Medieval Latin sporadicus from Greek sporadikós equivalent to sporad- stem of sporás strewn akin to sporá sowing seed. If I want to know where Latin equus comes from I look up equine and find that equus comes from PIE root ekwo- horse.
Fascinatingly the Greek root ὤν is cognate with the words for to be in many languages through the Proto-Indo-European root. Spóros a sowing of seed. Sporadic group plural sporadic groups.
Burnside Theory of Groups of Finite Order 2nd Edition in a comment about the Mathieu groups. Not regular or continuous. First recorded in 168090.
Originally a medical term occurring in scattered circumstances this is happening at periods is very first recorded 1847. From Classical Antiquity the name has referred to the Aegean island groups outside the central archipelago of the Cyclades. A sweet or effeminate male.
Sporadic renewals of enthusiasm. Occurring at irregular intervals or in isolated or scattered places. In the Middle Ages especially with the Germans hence the word came to be used for Jews of Germany and Poland who far outnumbered the Sephardim and differed from them in pronunciation of Hebrew and in customs but not in doctrine.
Scattered fr. Occuring singly or apart from other things of the same kind or in scattered instances. To sow seed to.
Tuesday February 21st 2017. 1680s from Medieval Latin sporadicus scattered from Greek sporadikos scattered from sporas genitive sporados scattered dispersed from spora a sowing see spore. Wednesday March 14th 2018.
Not regular or continuous. Etymology Sporades means those scattered compare with sporadic. Thursday March 15th 2018.
The etymology of the name is unknown and it is uncertain whether the name should be considered Irish Gaelic or British Welsh in origin. From Medieval Latin sporadicus whence also French sporadique Italian sporadico Spanish esporádico from Ancient Greek. Wiktionary Online Etymology Dictionary.
Appearing in scattered or isolated instances as a disease. A sporadic example of a flower. They were identified historically with various peoples.
And here I thought this would be a boring one. Sporadic spəˈrædɪk adj. This etymology is missing or incomplete.
Of similar things or occurrences appearing or happening at irregular intervals in time. A male homosexual with the earliest citations from the first half of the 20th century. Old English eom English am Latin sum Sanskrit असम.
As youve probably figured out often the swiftest way to get an etymology of a Latin word is to think of an English derivative and look it up in the online etymology dictionary e.
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